iPad 3 Keynote Event Invite Reveals Details
Apple recently sent out media invitations for iPad 3 keynote event scheduled for March 7th. The invite was an image of an iPad in use, with the line, “We have something you really have to see. And touch.” Much speculation has now developed off the invite, with a number of reports suggesting that the iPad depicted on the invitation is the iPad 3 itself. The iPad screen on the invitation appears to be of much higher resolution than other invites and press images in the past.
A number of blogs, including Gizmodo, put the invitation side by side to an image of the iPad 2 and zoomed in to view pixels on both. The iPad 3 invite appeared to be more vibrant, contain more pixels, and look very similar to a Retina Display. Apple’s use of the words, “we have something you really have to see”, may hint at the fact the the screen is of higher resolution.
The report also speculated on the possibility of Apple scrapping the home button, in an effort to make the iPad screen virtually free of buttons, and to highlight the pinch to close app feature introduced with iOS 4.3. Rumors of a home-button free iPad came after many users noticed that the iPad being used in the invitation appeared to be clean, with no home button present.
With rough measurements of photos, it was determined that the iPad may in fact arrive with no home button. Apple has a record of releasing hints about an upcoming product or event through its invitations, with details ranging from an app icon, or even the design of the invitation. Apple’s iPad 3 event is scheduled to be held on March 7th at the Yerba Buena Arts Center in San Francisco. The event will kick off at 10:00AM PT/1:00PM ET. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated.
Are you excited about the iPad 3? Is the Retina Display or lack of home button reason for you to upgrade? Sound off in the comments below.
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